Help me build my stand future.
$9/mo is less than your Spotify,
but it’s enough to change my life.
For just $9 a month
You can fortify the future.
Help bring entrepreneurship and resilience to the next generation of kids who so sorely need it. All contributions are fully tax deductable.

Sponsor a Stand
Help a budding entrepreneur to buy supplies for their stand, get setup, and thrive. Billed monthly to continue support.

One-time Donation
Don’t let us paint you into a corner. Donate the amount you feel comfortable with and we’ll put it to great use.

Sponsor a School
Help a teacher to stock his or her classroom with everything needed to have every kid hosting lemonade stands.

Sponsor a Community
Our community events are helping kids citywide to realize their potential and get inspired as future business leaders.
What does the project
do for our kids?

Increase Confidence & Self Esteem

Develop a Growth Mindset

Gain Financial and
Life Skills

Annabeth Nass
3rd Grade. Benton Harbor, MI
“I learned how to bring value to my community and earn money from it. I’m excited to start my next business and continue giving back as I profit!”

$43 investment

$496 lifetime profit

$250 donated to ASPCA
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